
Based on Alex's 'Shifter' project. Use the hand tool and click on the colored blocks to move them into the central rectangle so they fit exactly. Blocks as a unit of matching colors, even if they are not contiguous. Movement requires all blocks have empty spaces in the desired direction. You can force the direction by clicking on one of the green letters on the wall at the bottom: L,R,U,D move blocks left, right, up, and down, provided there are not blocks in the path of any of the blocks of that color. Clicking on one of the direction controls un-latches the previous control. Clicking on the grey wall disables the preferences. To change layers, you must select either A (layer above) or B (layer below) to move blocks across layers. If no directional preference is set,, blocks will attempt to move into the empty space that corresponds to block selected, with a preference sequence as follows: right, left, down, up. If you attempt to move blocks and the path is not available (other blocks in the way), all the blocks of that color will wiggle (rotate) and you will hear a sound. To disable the sound, open the simulation properties and set Soundon to zero. If you get frustrated, load the three_D_solution world to see the solution. Good luck! Please send feedback to
Created:May 1, 2015
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Based on Alex's 'Shifter' project. Use the hand tool and click on the colored blocks to move them into the central rectangle so they fit exactly. Blocks as a unit of matching colors, even if they are not contiguous. Movement requires all blocks have empty spaces in the desired direction. You can force the direction by clicking on one of the green letters on the wall at the bottom: L,R,U,D move blocks left, right, up, and down, provided there are not blocks in the path of any of the blocks of that color. Clicking on one of the direction controls un-latches the previous control. Clicking on the grey wall disables the preferences. To change layers, you must select either A (layer above) or B (layer below) to move blocks across layers. If no directional preference is set,, blocks will attempt to move into the empty space that corresponds to block selected, with a preference sequence as follows: right, left, down, up. If you attempt to move blocks and the path is not available (other blocks in the way), all the blocks of that color will wiggle (rotate) and you will hear a sound. To disable the sound, open the simulation properties and set Soundon to zero. If you get frustrated, load the three_D_solution world to see the solution. Good luck! Please send feedback to
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